It is estimated that approximately over 500 million straws are used every day...

THE LAST STRAW: Your Biggest Switch Yet
We have all heard the phrase “That’s the last straw”. I am pretty sure I know what it means. But where did it come from? Is it the same place as “the straw that broke the camel's back”?
Technically, the idiomatic phrase, "the last straw" refers to a further difficulty or annoyance that makes a particular situation unbearable. So, in other words, the situation was bad already, but this last thing totally pushed it over the edge.
When people use this idiom, they usually use it to express the end of their patience towards something. The phrase originally came from a proverb, "it is the last straw that breaks the camel's back." The proverb portrays a camel that seems to carry the weight of the world, and finally, loaded with one last item, the animal is immobilized.
Let’s Talk About Straws
Straws are always at hand in cafeterias, fast-food chains, fancy restaurants, and even on your to-go drink. Without straws, a milkshake becomes much messier and harder to drink. Frequently, straws are automatically placed in paper bags when purchasing drinks, and after finishing that drink, straws go straight to the trash bin without us thinking about the unpleasant effects this has on the environment.
Single-Use Disposable Straws and The Environment
The effects of disposable straws on the environment are getting worse and the quantity grows. These throw-away single-use straws are a particular hazard for marine animals which result in clogged nostrils of sea turtles and strangled necks of seals. These light and tiny straws are small in size and often get mistaken as food by animals such as birds and fish.
Single-use straws are obviously made of plastics which are non-biodegradable and non-recyclable; they typically go straight to the ocean after usage. Every day, Americans throw away straws approximately equivalent to 125 large school buses. Just imagine how marine life will turn out after 25 years of straws harming and killing marine animals. According to One Green Planet, over 6 million straws and stirrers were removed annually from beaches alone in the last 25 years.
But, You Like Using Straws
Isn't it cool to sip a thirst-quenching drink on a hot summer day? And what if you have a handicap that makes using a straw a necessity? Or what if you’d like to continue to use a straw, but want to help save the environment? The answer is easy; switch to reusable straws instead.
A Unique Reusable Straw - The Last Straw™
The Last Straw™ is an innovative new product that solves all those further difficulties and annoyances caused by environmentally harmful disposable straws. The product is made of Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) plastic which is a thermoplastic that becomes repeatedly soft when heated and hard when cooled. To cut the matter short, ABS plastic is 100% recyclable.
Further, this amazing reusable straw is unique because of its feature that allows it to come completely apart for easy cleaning. The ability to take the straw apart also makes sure its interior can be completely dry after cleaning, therefore avoiding the potential buildup of mold and mildew.
The Last Straw™ Versus Other Reusable Straws
All other reusable straws, those typically made from glass, stainless steel, bamboo, or even plastic, suggest cleaning the inside of the straw with a small brush or pipe cleaner. Do you carry these with you? Probably not. But besides the inconvenience, let’s say you do manage to clean out the inside of the straw thoroughly. How do you insure the inside is completely dry? You Can’t!!! So how do insure they are mold and mildew free? You can’t!!
In contrast, The Last Straw™ is the only easy-to-clean, family-friendly and environment safe straw you can find on the market. It easily comes apart for thorough cleaning and drying. You can even take it apart and toss it on top shelf of the dishwasher.
This eco-friendly straw comes in 4 different colors: red, purple, yellow, and blue; and has 2 sizes: 6 and 9 inches. To shop for these unique and colorful straws, go to
People should start treating straws like the same way they use spoons and forks in upscale restaurants, which are definitely not for one-time use. Purchasing The Last Straw™ as your new alternative straw is one of the smartest moves you can make to save Mother Earth.
Make the big switch to reusable straws and make a better and brighter tomorrow for the environment. With this simple move, lessening the number of disposable straw users from 500 million can be possible. Make disposable straws your last straw or you’ll witness more floating plastics in the sea instead of marine animals in the future.
Worsening effects of straws on the environment and sea animals could possibly be the last straw for the founder of an innovative, environment-friendly and hygienic reusable straw company; hence, naming her brand as “The Last Straw™.” Yet, this is the only last straw that will make everything bearable for the people and the environment.
Tags: The Last Straw, Reusable Straw, non disposable straw, eco friendly straw, single-use straws, bamboo straws, stainless steel straws, glass straws, plastic straws, environmentally friendly straw, ocean pollution, plastic pollution